Frugal Christmas & A Debt Free New Year

Do you struggle to manage your bills, not go into debt, and buy presents? Introducing a new kind of challenge group, for your wallet.

Do you struggle to manage your bills, not go into debt, and buy presents? Introducing a new kind of challenge group.

Every winter my family battens down the hatches. We take winterizing our home very seriously, we spend a fortune in heating our 1913 home. We can’t afford to do the renovations and updates to make our energy more efficient and less costly, so this year we literally boarded up a room and moved out of it. With the increase in utilities, food, and gifts your budget can take a pretty big hit.

I worked in retail for a decade and can tell you I’m not immune to impulse spending. I know every trick, every advertising gimmick, every type of sale. The only way I have found to stay accountable to my goals is to share them and surround myself with others with that goal. I asked my friends how they felt about budgeting this time of year and they all agreed that it’s impossible.

I follow the Dave Ramsey approach to financial freedom. His system has helped my family dig out of a very impossible hole. We almost lost our house. It taught me to balance my bills and budget without being afraid of what was in the mailbox. The peace you will find when you also have some financial freedom is life changing.

With a group of friends you will learn how to rethink your money and where to spend it. Whether you’re deep in debt or prosperous there is a step for you. Every week we will discuss the 7 Steps to Financial Freedom. You will have a safe space to talk money without the judgement of fear or reproach.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, you’re welcome to join us. The group is open to all, the only rule is that you curb judgement and come with an open mind to learn. Find Frugal Christmas Facebook Group here. May this winter be full of prosperity and kindness for you and yours.

NaBloPoMo November 2014

About Say Hawk

I am a mother of two, wife of over ten years. I am an advocate for my special needs son and a cheerleader for my family and friends. I don't believe in can't and desire to help everyone find a way to fight their N-E-V-E-R-S.
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